
State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Lithuania.
2005 Working Design for changing of the water level different on rotating grids of coastal pump station bld. 120/2. 2005 Working Design for changing in accompanying circuit of Control and Protection System and DAZ (additional emergency protection) system at INPP Unit 2. 2005 Working Design for modification of start-up algorithm of switching the service water pumps of INPP Unit1.
2006 Working Design of nitrogen gas supply system installation for INPP Unit 2 accident localization system. 2006 Technical Design of emergency power supply of the main required equipment and devices in the case of full loss of the back-up power supply of INPP.
2007 Technical & Working Design for reconstruction of the rooms 119, 130, 131, 141, 002 of INPP bld. 130/1 for installation of Cementation Facility for processing of the liquid radioactive wastes. 2007 Working Design for installation of the beyond design accident fuel temperature monitoring sensors for reactor of the Unit 2. 2007 Technical & Detailed Design of site preparation for construction of the Project B2 (SWMSF) facility. 2008 Technical & Detailed Design for reconstruction of INPP technical documentation archive premises.

2016 Access for personnel into INPP bld. 130/2 later on dismantling of bld. 129 options analysis. Technical Design preparation based on rational option. 2016 INPP Information Centre options analysis for location and construction.
2016-2021 Reconstruction of 174 V transition gallery. Technical & Detail design. Design supervision. 2019-2021 Building 129 demolition, physical protection perimeter and building 130 reconstruction design.

AS Narva Elektrijaamad (Baltic power plant), Estonia.
2005 Technical Design for reconstruction of coastal pump station Nr.2. 2006 Technical Design for reconstruction of fire protection system for transformers of coastal pump station. 2006 Technical Design for reconstruction of pump station on 2nd rise of service and drinking water. 2008 Preliminary & Working Design for reconstruction of main pipelines for heating water.

NUKEM Technologies GmbH, Germany.
Works & Services for Projects:
Ð’1 - Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSF). https://www.iae.lt/en/activity/decommissioning-projects/b1-project.-interim-spent-fuel-storage-facility-isfsf/352
Ð’2/3/4 - Solid Waste Management and Storage Facility (SWMSF). https://www.iae.lt/en/activity/decommissioning-projects/v2-3-4-project.-solid-waste-management-and-storage-facilities-swmsf/440
Ð’9.2 - Development of the INPP Unit V1 equipment dismantling and decontamination project. https://www.iae.lt/en/activity/decommissioning-projects/project-b9-2.-block-v1-equipment-dismantling-decontamination/500
2007 Project B1. Engineering & Design documentation preparation for rod of camera assigned to inspect the irradiated spent nuclear fuel assemblies (SNF) located in the INPP cooling ponds. 2007 Project B1. Program of performance preparation for video inspection of heavy damaged fuel (HDSNF) located in the INPP cooling ponds.
2008-2009 Project B1. Development of heavy damaged spent nuclear fuel handling system & technological process. Technical Design & Engineering documentation. 2009-2010 Project Ð’9.2. Structural and Architectural parts. Strategy development. Technical & Working Design; Knowledge transfer.

2010-2015 Project B1. Fuel Bundle Handling Equipment (FBHE) - reloading machine. Installation design (IDD); Mechanical & Electrical installation; Existed equipments relocation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning.
2011 Project Ð’4. Gantry cranes 10t & 20t. Design (IDD); Mechanical installation; Civil works. 2011-2017 Project B1. SNF Transportation system. Transporter’s CONSTOR M2 laser positioning system for INPP Units 1&2. Design IDD+MDD; Mechanical & Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period.
2011-2015. Projects Ð’1/3,4. Technological equipment’s installation detail design drawings preparation (IDDD) & design supervision. Prepared over 230 designs. 2012-2017 Project B1. Radiation Monitoring System (RMS). Design (IDD); Mechanical & Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period.

2012-2013 Project B3/4. General Designer functions fulfilment. 2013-2017 Project B1. Railway gates “Hertmans” replacement with „Sommer” gates. Design (IDD); Mechanical & Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period. 2013-2017 Project B1. Spent Nuclear Fuel Inspection Hot Cell (FIHC). Design (IDD); Technological equipment Mechanical & Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period. 2014-2017 Project Ð’4. Gantry cranes 10t & 20t. Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period.
2014-2017 Project B1. Methane Gas System (MGS). Design (IDD); Mechanical & Electrical installation; Participation in testing, cold trials & commissioning. Warrantee period. 2019 Crane’s parts delivery. 2017-2020 Project Ð’1. Equipment for handling with damaged and heavy damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel (DSNF). Designs for manufacturing (MDD) & installation (IDD); Manufacturing arrangement; Design supervision; Delivery; Testing; Knowledge transfer; Training provision to Employer’s personnel. 2020 FAT for NT Equipment services in Lithuania provision.

Client: NUKEM Technologies GmbH, Germany. (Abroad Projects)
2020 Khmelnitsky NPP (Ukraine). Ash Filling Device Design & Engineering works. Related parts provision. In cooperation with UAB “Monrema” Lithuania. 2020 FAT for NT Equipment services in Germany provision.
2020-2024. Reactor and related equipment dismantling at Barseback NPP and Oskarshamn NPP. (Sweden)
UAB MERKO Statyba, Lithuania.
2011 Technical & Working Design for external sewage system for Projects B1/3,4

VT Nuclear Service Ltd. Responsibilities taken by Babcock Nuclear Ltd. UK
Project B-9.2. Development of the INPP Unit V1 (gas circuit) technological equipment’s dismantling and decontamination designs

Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), Lithuania
Project B-9.2. Development of the INPP Unit V1 (gas circuit) technological equipment’s dismantling and decontamination designs.

Gesellschaft für Nuklear Service mbH, Germany with participation of Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), Lithuania.
2010-2017 Project B1. Casks CONSTOR М2 (102t.) Shock Absorbers Type 1, 2, 3 replacements at INPP Units 1&2. Design (IDD). Method statement. De-installation works, Installation. Warranty period. 2013 Project B1. SPH in the cooling ponds floor levelling. Conceptions development. 2014-2015 Project B1. SPH in the cooling ponds floor levelling.
Design (IDD+MDD); Mechanical installation; Especial compounds pouring: ChockFast & Belzona.
2015-2017 Project B1. Cask’s CONSTOR M2 handling system equipment’s arrangement & installation. Warranty period.
2018 -2020 Provision parts for equipment in Project B1.

AEL Apparatebau GmbH, Germany
2018 Finishing works for equipment in Project B1.

UAB Ekobana, Lithuania.
2005 Working design for installation of emergency operation recording devices INPP diesel generators.
2017-2018 Design, manufacturing and delivery pipe cutting device for Ignalina NPP bld. 101/1,2 Units A1,2. 2018-2020 Design and Engineering services. Installation works. Ignalina NPP Project B19-2 “Landfill Facility for Low Level Radioactive Waste”

UAB Baltic Information Systems, Lithuania.
2019-2020 Engineering services for Armenian NPP.

UAB Neonaksa, Lithuania.
2017 Personal radioactive pollution monitoring equipment delivery
2019-2020 Shortblast equipment installation for Ignalina NPP.

AB Pramprojektas, Lithuania.
2006 Technical design for relay protection and 6kV power distribution station of INPP B1 Project (Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facilities).

UAB ETB, Lithuania.
2006 Engineering documentation for installation of the new servo drives AZ/BSM for INPP Unit 2 Diverse Shutdown System.

OU Altranet, Estonia
Engineering and design documentation for adaptation of supporting steel constructions for storage tanks (GGS-5) of slate processing workshop located in VKG Oil AS plant. Kohtla-Jarve city, Estonia.
Engineering and design documentation for steel constructions of 1000 tones gas-producer of slate processing workshop located in VKG Oil AS plant. Kohtla-Jarve city, Estonia.

UAB VILSTATA, Lithuania.
2009 Technical and Working Design of 1st level buildings 31A INPP.
2009 Technical and Working Design for landscaping works of the Project B10 (Free Release Measurement Facility - FRMF).

2009 Technical and working design for general renovation of brick build smoke stack H=100m (with duct channel) located on INPP industrial boiler station site.

UAB ETC, Lithuania.
2009 Technical and working design for demolition of existing brick build smoke stack H=45 m and installation the new metal smoke stack H=45 m located on INPP industrial boiler station site.
2009 Technical and working design for demolition of existing steel smoke stack H=35 m and installation the new metal smoke stack on existed foundation located on INPP industrial boiler station site.
2009 Technical and working design for reconstruction of heating system of the industrial boiler station.

UAB FIMA, Lithuania
2009 Technical and detailed design of the cable bridge to the Projects B-10 (Free Release Measurement Facility - FRMF) building

„Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center”, Latvia.
2021-2024 Study of Salaspils Nuclear Reactor. TD development for decommissioning and dismantling & Design supervision. With Leader REM-PRO SIA (Latvia) & Partners Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) Lithuania, Institute of Physics, Lithuania; SE Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Lithuania;
Radico (Baltic Radiation Control), Lithuania

Visaginas municipality, Lithuania
Technical & Working Design for rearrangement and installation of the new equipment in the rooms of “Sedulinios” school.
Technical Design for reconstruction of the sport sites of “Atgimimo” school.

Church of St. Panteleimon, Visaginas, Lithuania
Working Design for construction of laps and stairways in bell tower.

UAB „Palink”, Lithuania
2011-2012 Supermarket „IKI“ located in Visaginas reconstruction. Technical & Working design in the following parts: general, architectural, site preparation, structural, fire protection, internal & external engineering networks. Expertise. Design supervision.
Client OU Altranet, Estonia.
2008 Engineering and design documentation for adaptation of supporting steel constructions for storage tanks (GGS-5) of slate processing workshop located in VKG Oil AS plant. Kohtla-Jarve city, Estonia.
2008 Engineering and design documentation for steel constructions of 1000 tones gas-producer of slate processing workshop located in VKG Oil AS plant. Kohtla-Jarve city, Estonia.
Client: UAB ESPro, Lithuania.
2007. Works implementation design for roof covering of workshop located in reinforced concert production plant.
Client: UAB Neonaksa, Lithuania.
2019-2020 Lithuanian Railways Radvilishkis Depot. Installation of CB-TK-03 automated vibrodiagnostics complex for railway wagon wheel assembly bearings.
Client: UAB Visagino Linija, Lithuania.
2020-2021 Design & Engineering services for reconstruction of furniture factory.
Client: State Enterprise Visagino statybininkai, Lithuania.
2005 Technical & Working Design for reconstruction and restoration site 26.5ha for Project B2 INPP.
Client: TUB Trevis ir KO, Lithuania.
2005 Technical & Working Design for car washing station.
Client: Visaginas municipality, Lithuania.
2006 Technical & Working Design for rearrangement and installation of the new equipment in the rooms of “Sedulinios” school.
2008 Technical Design for reconstruction of the sport sites of “Atgimimo” school.
2008 Technical & Working Design for reconstruction of engineering system of the children’s creativity house.
Client: Church of St. Panteleimon, Visaginas, Lithuania.
2009 Working Design for construction of laps and stairways in bell tower.
Client: UAB „Palink”, Lithuania.
2011-2012 Supermarket „IKI“ located in Visaginas reconstruction. Technical & Working design in the following parts: general, architectural, site preparation, structural, fire protection, internal & external engineering networks. Expertise. Design supervision.
Client: Utena County Police Headquarters, Lithuania.
2011-2012 Technical Design for reconstruction the car parking of police station in Visaginas city.
Client: UAB Recon Modul, Lithuania.
2019-2021 Engineering & Design works for prefabricated residential / non-residential buildings.